A shy young runaway finds himself forced into sex work at the notorious “Wall”. At nightfall he stands awkwardly on the street amongst the hardened, older hustlers. A man in a car close by watches his every move.
The boy’s only respite is a quick break on board an outreach bus, which drops by once a week offering hot drinks and free internet. He is allowed to get on and use the computer but must not speak to anyone or make eye contact.
The Youth Worker on the bus takes a genuine interest in the boy, even though his attempts to befriend him are continually rejected. As he watches the boy deteriorate over a series of weeks, the Youth Worker becomes ever more desperate to break through to him, before he spirals beyond the point of no return.
Writer and Director
Sascha Ettinger Epstein
Ian Darling and Susan Mackinnon
Nicola Daley
Sally Fryer
Sound Design
Brook Tresize and Sam Petty
Felicity Fox
Line Producer
Mary Macrae
A shy young runaway finds himself forced into sex work at the notorious “Wall”. At nightfall he stands awkwardly on the street amongst the hardened, older hustlers. A man in a car close by watches his every move.
The boy’s only respite is a quick break on board an outreach bus, which drops by once a week offering hot drinks and free internet. He is allowed to get on and use the computer but must not speak to anyone or make eye contact.
The Youth Worker on the bus takes a genuine interest in the boy, even though his attempts to befriend him are continually rejected. As he watches the boy deteriorate over a series of weeks, the Youth Worker becomes ever more desperate to break through to him, before he spirals beyond the point of no return.
Writer and Director
Sascha Ettinger Epstein
Ian Darling and Susan Mackinnon
Nicola Daley
Sally Fryer
Sound Design
Brook Tresize and Sam Petty
Felicity Fox
Line Producer
Mary Macrae
A shy young runaway finds himself forced into sex work at the notorious “Wall”. At nightfall he stands awkwardly on the street amongst the hardened, older hustlers. A man in a car close by watches his every move.
The boy’s only respite is a quick break on board an outreach bus, which drops by once a week offering hot drinks and free internet. He is allowed to get on and use the computer but must not speak to anyone or make eye contact.
The Youth Worker on the bus takes a genuine interest in the boy, even though his attempts to befriend him are continually rejected. As he watches the boy deteriorate over a series of weeks, the Youth Worker becomes ever more desperate to break through to him, before he spirals beyond the point of no return.
Writer and Director
Sascha Ettinger Epstein
Ian Darling and Susan Mackinnon
Nicola Daley
Sally Fryer
Sound Design
Brook Tresize and Sam Petty
Felicity Fox
Line Producer
Mary Macrae